Jasa Publikasi Jurnal

Kami siap membantu dan melayani anda menyelesaikan publikasi naskah penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat untuk akademisi di jurnal nasional dan internasional.

Tentang Kami

Litir Publisher adalah lembaga resmi dibawah naungan CV. Litir Publisher yang berbadan hukum dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI dengan nomor Administrasi Hukum Umum: AHU-0018247-AH.01.14 Tahun 2025

Layanan yang diberikan Litir Publisher meliputi;

  1. Publikasi Jurnal Nasional ISSN,

  2. Publikasi Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi,

  3. Publikasi Jurnal Internasional Non-Scopus (Copernicus, EBSCO, DOAJ),

  4. Publikasi Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi (Scopus Q1-Q4).

Litir Publisher hadir membantu publikasi ilmiah mahasiswa maupun dosen peneliti di Indonesia.



Kepercayaan Akademisi

Kualitas Terjamin

Layanan Litir Publisher

Pendampingan Publikasi Jurnal

Layanan untuk membantu penulis dalam proses publikasi jurnal.

Konsultasi Penulisan Naskah

Bimbingan dalam menulis naskah penelitian yang berkualitas.

Layanan Publikasi Artikel

Layanan final menyediakan dukungan penerbitan lengkap bagi peneliti. Mulai dari penyuntingan dan pemformatan naskah hingga memastikan naskah memiliki standar kualitas tertinggi. Layanan ini juga mencakup pemformatan tabel dan gambar, koreksi bahasa oleh ahli, layanan pengajuan jurnal, dukungan penyerahan ulang naskah. Semua layanan tersebut membantu peneliti untuk menghasilkan naskah terbaik yang berpeluang besar untuk diterbitkan jurnal.

Pelayanan yang cepat dan profesional. Litir Publisher sangat membantu dalam proses publikasi jurnal internasional saya. Rekomendasi terbaik untuk peneliti!


A close-up view of a collection of files or magazines in a library or archive setting. The focus is on a publication titled 'Tributaries' with visible shelves holding other documents in the background. The lighting creates a slightly nostalgic, quiet atmosphere.
A close-up view of a collection of files or magazines in a library or archive setting. The focus is on a publication titled 'Tributaries' with visible shelves holding other documents in the background. The lighting creates a slightly nostalgic, quiet atmosphere.


A workspace in a library setting features a wooden desk cluttered with academic materials. Open laptops, scattered papers, highlighters, pens, and a snack pack are visible. Bookshelves filled with books serve as a backdrop, adding to the scholarly atmosphere.
A workspace in a library setting features a wooden desk cluttered with academic materials. Open laptops, scattered papers, highlighters, pens, and a snack pack are visible. Bookshelves filled with books serve as a backdrop, adding to the scholarly atmosphere.


Lihat karya kami dalam menerbitkan jurnal nasional dan internasional.

A collection of old, leather-bound volumes of the 'Journal of Molecular Structure' is arranged side by side on a shelf. Each book spine displays the journal title, volume number, and publication year, with years ranging from 1989 to 1990.
A collection of old, leather-bound volumes of the 'Journal of Molecular Structure' is arranged side by side on a shelf. Each book spine displays the journal title, volume number, and publication year, with years ranging from 1989 to 1990.
A collection of books arranged on a wooden bookshelf, with some books standing upright and others leaning or stacked. The shelves are lined with vintage-style newspaper clippings. A prominent book titled 'Bourdieu: Journalistic Field' is leaning forward, drawing attention with its distinct red and black cover.
A collection of books arranged on a wooden bookshelf, with some books standing upright and others leaning or stacked. The shelves are lined with vintage-style newspaper clippings. A prominent book titled 'Bourdieu: Journalistic Field' is leaning forward, drawing attention with its distinct red and black cover.
A journal with a simple design of a white branch and leaves on a brown cover rests on a table. Next to it, a box of stationery supplies, including tape and colored circles, is visible. A pen is tucked into the journal, which sits on top of a closed burgundy folder.
A journal with a simple design of a white branch and leaves on a brown cover rests on a table. Next to it, a box of stationery supplies, including tape and colored circles, is visible. A pen is tucked into the journal, which sits on top of a closed burgundy folder.